Get Paid to Share StudioCloud

How does it work?

Every StudioCloud account automatically gets a StudioCloud affiliate link. If a user signs up for a free StudioCloud account using your affiliate link they are added to your list of signups. If any of your signups purchase EmployeeBoost you get paid $25 dollars.

What do I need to do to get started?

Create a StudioCloud account or use an existing StudioCloud account

Login to StudioCloud 3.0
Click on Settings
Click on the "Affiliate Program" button
Share your StudioCloud link online using StudioCloud's Easy Sharing tools

How do I know who has signed up?

StudioCloud 3.0 contains all the tools you need to track your signups as well as your current balance.

How do I get paid?

Every month StudioCloud pays affiliates using PayPal. Login to StudioCloud 3.0 for more details. Payments are sent once a StudioCloud account has reached $100

Read the affiliate terms of agreement